Unveiling Stories from Africa


Our Facilitators

Welcome to We Grow Ideas where our passion for preserving family stories and cultural heritage comes to life through the dedication and expertise of our facilitators: 

Eileen Omosa

A sociologist and storyteller with a deep passion for exploring life’s pivotal intersections. Raised in rural Kenya, Eileen’s journey from a young girl with dreams of education to a sociologist and author has profoundly shaped her voice and perspective. With degrees in Sociology, Anthropology, and Development Studies, combined with the rich experiences of her life as a parent, sibling, professional, immigrant, and writer, she brings authenticity and depth to her work endeavours. Her work is dedicated to helping others find their balance, embrace their identity, and thrive amidst change.

Eileen’s unique storytelling is born from a combination of her life experiences as a daughter, sibling, parent, professional, and immigrant. Her narratives invite you into a dance of cultures, celebrating the diversity of life and the common threads that bind us all, together, as human beings.

Living as an immigrant for close to two decades, Eileen has navigated the complexities of being at the crossroads as an educated African woman, as an immigrant, and having to balance career endeavours while providing care to elderly parents in her rural home. A situation which ignited her desire document stories of African women at the crossroads, and to coach fellow immigrants immigrants to document their family stories, and to develop strategies to provide care to their elderly parents and other loves ones, remotely.   

Eileen invites you to embark on this transformative journey of discovery, preservation, and celebration. With her wealth of experience, she passionately guides you into providing relevant care to your elderly parents, and in documenting your family stories, weaving a captivating story that reflects the cultural heritage and identity of your family. A living document through which the legacy of your family’s heritage will be cherished for generations to come.